Search Results for: Kerry

Kerry to North Korea: “[C]lose those camps … shut this evil system down.”

It’s no secret to readers of this site that I’ve never been an admirer of John Kerry. His tenure has been a rolling catastrophe for our national security, in a way that even a rank amateur could have predicted years ago. It’s often difficult to see that he has a North Korea policy at all. Not so long ago, I criticized Kerry for showing no sign of pressing for action on the U.N. Commission of Inquiry report on human rights in North Korea. But...

John Kerry was right about North Korea (and so was John Bolton)

More than six months after a U.N. Commission of Inquiry found Kim Jong Un responsible for crimes against humanity, our State Department has offered no credible or coherent policy response to that report. At least it hadn’t until last week, when our Secretary of State, John Kerry — no doubt, after much agonizing deliberation — finally authorized the deployment of precision-guided tactical ballistic words: “But make no mistake, we are also speaking out about the horrific human rights situation,” Kerry...

Untrained eyes fail to perceive John Kerry’s North Korea “progress”

~   1   ~ BRUCE KLINGNER OF THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION asks, “You call this progress, Secretary Kerry?” Kerry cites his meetings with China regarding North Korea, yet Beijing continues to resist U.S. entreaties to increase pressure on Pyongyang by more fully implementing UN resolution sanctions. In the meantime, Pyongyang continues to refine and augment its nuclear arsenal while Washington remains reluctant to impose the same unilateral US sanctions that it has already imposed on Iran, Burma, and Syria. Nor...

Test something louder, Dear Leader. John Kerry still can’t hear you.

With the world erupting in the greatest cascade of escalating conflicts since 1975 and President Obama’s approval rating on foreign policy at negative 21.2% – 11% lower than his overall (dis)approval rating — John Kerry eked out some time over the weekend to tempt fate with a dubious boast: I just came back from China, where we are engaged with the Chinese in dealing with North Korea. And you will notice, since the visit last year, North Korea has been...

John Kerry Tries, Fails to Stop Amendment Calling for N. Korea to be Re-Listed as Terror Sponsor (Update: Dems Defeat Amendment, 54-43)

Progress on ending North Korea’s nuclear weapons program is always tenuous and remains incomplete. But the regime’s nuclear declaration is the latest reminder that, despite President Bush’s once bellicose rhetoric, engaging our enemies can pay dividends…. Now the president must not prematurely close the books on North Korea’s alleged uranium enrichment activities and nuclear exports. We must ensure there are credible verification and monitoring procedures to ensure North Korea is out of the nuclear business for the long term. —...

Behold … the Awesome Moral Authority of John Kerry! (Updated)

Kerry, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called on North Korea to release the women “promptly and unconditionally.” While he said the release should be a humanitarian gesture not linked to the nuclear showdown, Kerry said that North Korea had an opportunity to reach out. “We hope that common sense is going to prevail and that North Korea will see this not as an opportunity to further dig a hole but as an opportunity to open up and...

Obama Gears Up for “Plan B;” John Kerry Blocks Terror Re-Listing

I really don’t know what to make of this.  A young, inexperienced president, one whom the North Koreans arguably endorsed, comes into office showing every sign of being easier meat than Lance Bass in Riker’s Island.  The North Koreans, true to Joe Biden’s prophetic gaffe, and with their exquisite sensitivity to American weakness, don’t even let the man get inaugurated before they begin the noisy repudiation of every agreed framework, U.N. resolution, and armistice they can stuff into a shredder....

John Kerry: Clueless About North Korea

History will deservedly remember John Kerry as a failed poseur, a man too self-important and detestable to unseat George W. Bush in 2004, and one of my least favorite American politicians of all time.  We are still burdened with Kerry as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, in which capacity he spirited the incompetent and congenital liar Christopher Hill to confirmation as the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq.  In that capacity, Kerry seems to have learned much from the nominee’s...

Kerry’s Website: ‘Right Either Way’

Screenshot here.  This, to me, is the money quote: Although there are plenty of well-educated people in our armed forces — Kerry was one of them — military service has long been an opportunity for those with less education and fewer skills than they need to work in the private sector.  Indeed, the military sells itself as a place to garner skills and to help pay for higher education. Ah shore m glad i kud git out of souf dakota...

Vote Against Kerry

Kerry was right about one thing–the whole world will be watching what we say through our votes. What they know is that no one can defeat us on a battlefield. Today, they use our political divisions and the opportunism that widens them to defeat us at the ballot box. That is precisely what those who mean us harm will conclude they have done if Kerry wins tomorrow. France and Russia will conclude that they have a free hand to continue...

Vote Against Kerry

Kerry was right about one thing–the whole world will be watching what we say through our votes. What they know is that no one can defeat us on a battlefield. Today, they use our political divisions and the opportunism that widens them to defeat us at the ballot box. That is precisely what those who mean us harm will conclude they have done if Kerry wins tomorrow. France and Russia will conclude that they have a free hand to continue...

Kerry�s North Korea Blunder

Last week�s Bush-Kerry debate hinged on which candidate would be more conspicuously horrible. As it turned out, Bush was so rambling, incoherent, twangy, and cranky that anyone with a complete set of teeth, some command of the English language, and reasonably clear annunciation could have walked away with it–and did, but not without a fatal blunder on one of the key national security issues we face. Kerry actually believes that in 2001, North Korea was safely in the box and...

Kerry�s North Korea Blunder

Last week�s Bush-Kerry debate hinged on which candidate would be more conspicuously horrible. As it turned out, Bush was so rambling, incoherent, twangy, and cranky that anyone with a complete set of teeth, some command of the English language, and reasonably clear annunciation could have walked away with it–and did, but not without a fatal blunder on one of the key national security issues we face. Kerry actually believes that in 2001, North Korea was safely in the box and...

Today’s Kerry Policy on North Korea

Rebecca has posted the newest permutation of Kerry’s North Korea policy on NKZone. It has attracted the usual mix of comments, including the usual ratio of scary ones that appear to have been texted in from Phish concerts. If Kerry scared you before when he talked about carrying on with one-on-one AND five-on-one talks and paying all kinds of blackmail, Kerry’s statement today contained some encouraging contact with reality, such as, “The North Koreans have made it clear to the...

Today’s Kerry Policy on North Korea

Rebecca has posted the newest permutation of Kerry’s North Korea policy on NKZone. It has attracted the usual mix of comments, including the usual ratio of scary ones that appear to have been texted in from Phish concerts. If Kerry scared you before when he talked about carrying on with one-on-one AND five-on-one talks and paying all kinds of blackmail, Kerry’s statement today contained some encouraging contact with reality, such as, “The North Koreans have made it clear to the...